If you suffer from anxiety the thought of getting a massage may seem too far out of your comfort zone to consider. I understand this. Trying new things with a person you don't know in an unfamiliar environment is a daunting prospect.

Massage therapy, when done sensitively, can benefit people with anxiety so much that I really try to encourage people to try it. I aim to work with you to make the experience as easy as possible.
If you'd like, you can bring a buddy. A partner or friend who can come with you to your appointment. If it feels right for you, they are welcome to stay in the room while you have your first couple of treatments. In time, as we get to know each other better, you may feel more comfortable and your partner may not be required. It's completely up to you.
Appointments can all be booked online and communication can be done via email or text. This might take away some anxiety caused by speaking to a stranger on the phone? Or, if you'd rather, we can arrange a time to speak on the phone prior to your appointment. This might help you to know the person who you'll be meeting at your first appointment and make that first meeting a little easier. Again, it's completely up to you.
If you'd prefer to read a bit about what to expect at your massage appointment, you can find more information here: https://www.sarahnewdigatemassage.com/.../categories/massage
Or you can read a little about me here:
If you have any questions about massage, now, or in the future, please do get in touch: sarahnewdigate@gmail.com