Along with massage, one of my great loves is yoga. I have been practicing yoga for many years now and I really notice a big difference in my body and mind because of this practice. When working with some of my clients I often find it helpful to suggest various stretches that they can fit into their daily life to help their body.
I often use my yoga practice as an inspiration for these stretches, in fact quite often I recommend that my clients look into yoga themselves. If you would like to start your own yoga practice I would strongly recommend finding a good local yoga class with a teacher that you are comfortable with.
Most classes will accept beginners and yoga poses can be adapted to all body types. If you have a good teacher you will be able to get so much out of a regular class.
If heading to a class as a yoga virgin seems a little scary, don't worry! There are many professional and safe classes that can be found online. This way you will be able to see what it's all about and learn some of the basic positions before you take the plunge! One of the best online teachers I have found is Yoga With Adrienne. Her YouTube channel is incredibly popular and with good reason. As a good example of one of her many beginner focused videos, have a look at the one below.
Of course yoga is so much more than the physical poses. It is an holistic practice that you can use throughout every aspect of your life. If you are interested in learning more about yoga I would recommend starting with The Eight Limbs Of Yoga - A Handbook For Living Yoga Philosophy by S. Sarbacker and K. Kimple.
This book takes this huge topic and manages to translate it to the layperson in a way that is really relatable. I have actually read this book twice and I'm sure I'll read it again in the future. It's a really good starting point for anyone interested in finding more about yoga beyond the asanas.