It may take a little time to get used to, but it's worth considering adding dry brushing to your routine as there are many benefits!

The practice of dry brushing is much as it sounds. It uses a handheld dry, rough bristled brush on dry skin. The brush strokes are always directed a specific way which is, in general, towards the heart. This action of dry brushing stimulates the blood and lymph vessels that lie just below the skin. This improves circulation and lymphatic flow.
Dry brushing can also exfoliate the skin, removing some dead skin cells. Although this can be great for the skin it can also be quite harsh on delicate skin. I would recommend that you pay attention to how your skin reacts to dry brushing and take care not to overdo it. Start off with no more than once a week.
I find it best to do dry brushing in the morning, ideally prior to a shower. This way you can wash off any dead skin cells. Dry brushing is highly invigorating as it stimulates the nerve endings on the skin and boosts blood circulation. This makes it a great pick me up and therefore best to do in the morning.
Dry brushing isn't for everyone of course. If you have sensitive skin, or a condition like eczema or psoriasis, take care with dry brushing and don't work over any area of inflammation or any open wounds. If you have areas of thin skin I wouldn't recommend dry brushing as you may find it too painful and it could do damage.
This video is the best demonstration I know of for dry brushing. It is important to follow the basic rules of pressure and direction so watch this first before you try on yourself.